Author Topic: Forum Rules (Read 1,337 times)
Book of Darkness


Book of Darkness Avatar

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Joined: December 2012
Posts: 39
 Forum Rules
« Dec 7, 2012 21:59:05 GMT -5 »



If you're going to curse or swear then we do not want it to be excessive. There are exceptions, Cid Highwind is an example.

Third Person

We ask that you use the third-person narrative. Third-person narration provides the greatest flexibility to the author and thus is the most commonly used narrative mode in literature. In the third-person narrative mode, each and every character is referred to by the narrator as "he", "she", "it", or "they", but never as "I" or "we" (first-person), or "you" (second-person). So please no second or first person narrative.

Sexual Content

If there are threads where things get hot and heavy do a time skip, time skips are wonderful things. Kissing, hugging, groping is all fine so long as you don't go in to excessive detail. Sex is not fine, which is why we ask you to do a time skip. (Abide by the ToS)

Back Seat Modding

We have staff for a reason. Don't back seat mod or you'll find yourself with a warning. By Back seat modding I mean, posting in other peoples stat sheets, their aps, or telling them what is acceptable and what isn't. You're not staff. You probably don't know, and if you give false information? You probably just made our jobs harder. Don't do it. Thank you.

Spamming/Post Length

No spamming. At least a paragraph people, we don't wanna look like a bunch of spamming noobs now do we?
Note:- A paragraph is usually 5-7 sentences, we will accept 4-7 sentences but please put a little effort in to it guys.

Double Posting

Double-posting, it's fine if you're roleplaying by yourself. Please though we ask for two paragraph posts if you're going to do this and you should make sure to wait 20 minutes or so before posting again. For anything else there is an edit/modify button, it's what it's there for.

Concerning Canon Characters

Canons! We allow any canon from any game, anime or manga, if the face has already been claimed by an original character then you may not use that canon.
Another thing concerning canon characters is that you MUST change the history so that they fit in here, BUT STICK TO THE ACTUAL CANON, DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING OTHER THAN HISTORY PLEASE! Age changes are allowed but try and make it believable. No starting out with god knows how many spells. THIS SCHOOL is set in a world where there IS NO other worlds because it's an alternate universe. So yes they can have the same name, personality, age and what not but make up the history so that they fit or at least edit it.


No flaming. No trolling 'Troll - In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community', baiting, etc, what have you. Arguments aren't needed. If you have a problem with a member, do not start a fight, bring it to a staff member it's what we're here for.
If it is off-site, we cannot help you, however.

In character trolling? Go for it if it's who your character is.


Do it Here nowhere else, if it is anywhere else it will be deleted.

For the members. Please do not advertise openly on the cbox or randomly around the board please? That's why you have a homepage box in your profile. Just stick it in there or put it in the advertisments board.

Grammar and Spelling

Try to use it well. Yes I know people spell things wrong and what not but that's what we have a spell check for. So long as your posts don't look like a three year old wrote them we're good.

Signature Images

No huge signatures please or I'll cut the size limit down. Try and keep the signature you have under 500 pixels in height and 500 pixels in width.

Characters and Accounts

ONE CHARACTER PER AN ACCOUNT PEOPLE! =3 We have groups for characters so please just have one character per an account.

Style Tags

Please DO NOT use style tags that stretch the forum boarder or images that stretch the forum boarder, if you do you will be warned, if this happens again you'll be warned a second time. On your third warning you will be told NOT to use style tags or images FULL STOP. If you proceed to then you will be banned for 24 hours. Any further slip ups and you'll be banned permanently.

Gary Stu/Mary Sue

Mary-Sue//Gary-Stu, in literary criticism and particularly in roleplay and/or fanfiction, these two are an original character with overly idealized and hackneyed mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the writer. They're the overly nice, fall over themselves, perfect man or woman that can do no wrong no matter how cruel something is to them. They're forever nice and generally have no depth to their personality. They also seem to hone in on canonical characters, HAVING to rp or be with them, have a connection. Click here for more definitions. No one likes them, sometimes they don't even realize they're a Sue or Stu. Please try and make the character you're making seem more real, everyone has something that sets them off apart from people hurting their friends or loved ones. ._.

Links to Canons

NO LINKS TO CANONS, If you're making an original character either ASK first or wait to be asked if your character can have a connection to them OR just DON'T DO IT! It isn't nice to find out when you're playing a canon that they apparently know an original character that they've NEVER heard of. Just have the consideration for them please? It's only right. You wouldn't want it to happen to you, so please don't do it to them.

Danger Zones

Clear Zone

If a board says CLEAR on it then it's not under attack and there is no attack imminent.

Caution Zone

If a board says CAUTION (-/5) on it then it's not under attack but there will be an upcoming attack in such a case there will be five slots for people to join the fight.

Danger Zone

If a board says DANGER (-/5) on it then it's under attack there will be five slots for people to join the fight. There MAY or MAY NOT be more than one DANGER (-/5) on one board indicating more than one battle going on.

Rewards for winning can range from Spell Gemstones, Gemstone Slots, Custom Skill Slots, Custom Skill gemstones and even upgrades.

« Last Edit: Jan 27, 2013 6:36:42 GMT -5 by COOKIE » Back to Top  

Quick Reply


dsg: Herro... Is anyone here? Mar 26, 2013 22:38:21 GMT -5
Hikari Cross: hello! Apr 6, 2013 1:12:35 GMT -5
dsg: At least someone answered... But I am thinking that this site is a little slow in getting members. Apr 25, 2013 21:53:55 GMT -5
adminnumber2: try looking at Apr 26, 2013 11:45:33 GMT -5
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