Author Topic: Charrie request: girlfriend or boy toy >> (Read 361 times)
Misao Aomori
Sixth Year


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Joined: December 2012
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Posts: 19
 Charrie request: girlfriend or boy toy >>
« Feb 16, 2013 17:41:45 GMT -5 »

Well, this is a sorta simple request. Being part cat there is a point where Misao needs to be locked in her room. But this request is for one of two things:

1. Girlfriend: Except during that time, misao has past issues with guys that at this point makes it near impossible to be more then friends with them. With this one odds are she wouldn't go out with someone that's uptight or well, a bitch, unless thats more a front then anything else. No real specifics for this, heck you could make it they enjoy being pinned and all or maybe they don't like that part at first, or maybe thought it'd be fun to try. How they meet and all can be hammered out, but odds are in some thread or what not their getting pounced on.

2. Friend with benefit?: okay well, no idea how to put this one really, was looking for something that sounded nicer. This one would be male and again, no real specific beyond not really being a dick. With this your talking more good friends, and probably doesn't mind the woman being in charge when it is that time and she'd want to do it. How they meet and all, again, can be hashed out later.

Any questions, ideas, etc, just feel free to pm me on his account.

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Uriel 'Leonaidas' Zathaniel
Third Year


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Joined: January 2013
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 Charrie request: girlfriend or boy toy >>
« Feb 17, 2013 22:37:07 GMT -5 »

Okay so only ones I can offer up are as follows. Leo. Quin. Padmae and Callista but Callista will need some work because she's heterosexual atm so it'd be a case of making her swing the other way. xD Here's their personalities. I dunno if you'll be interested in any of them to be honest. xD

Leo's personality
Leo is what is usually classed as an ESTP - Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving (Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Thinking).

ESTPs are outgoing, straight-shooting types. Enthusiastic and excitable, ESTPs are "doers" who live in the world of action. Blunt, straight-forward risk-takers, they are willing to plunge right into things and get their hands dirty. They live in the here-and-now, and place little importance on introspection or theory. They look at the facts of a situation, quickly decide what should be done, execute the action, and move on to the next thing.

ESTPs have an uncanny ability to perceive people's attitudes and motivations. They pick up on little cues which go completely unnoticed by most other types, such as facial expressions and stance. Though Leo tends to hide his abilities and his actual intelligence behind his idiotic nature and his playful attitude. Yet get him alone and have a serious discussion and you'll see he has more brains than brawn. He's typically a couple of steps ahead of the person he's interacting with. He may use this ability to get what he wants out of a situation, though usually he has a good reason for doing so if he has to.

To Leo Rules and laws are seen as guidelines for behavior, rather than mandates. If he has decided that something needs to be done, then his "do it and get on with it" attitude takes precendence over the rules. However, he tends to have his own strong belief in what's right and what's wrong, and will doggedly stick to his principles, he will NOT break those little rules he's set for himself, he has a lot of pride and honor. The Rules of the Establishment may hold little value to Leo, but his own integrity mandates that he will not under any circumstances do something which he feels to be wrong.

Leo has a strong flair for drama and style. He's generally a fast-moving, fast-talking person who has an appreciation for the finer things in life. He is a bit of a gambler and spendthrift. He's usually very good at story telling and improvising.

He typically makes things up as he goes along, rather than following a plan. He loves to have fun, and is a fun person to be around. He can sometimes be hurtful to others without being aware of it, as he generally does not know about the effect his words have on others.

His least developed area is his intuitive side. He's extremely impatient with theory, and sees little use for it in his quest to "get things done". He will occasionally have strong intuitions which are often way off-base, but sometimes very lucid and positive. Leo does not trust his instincts, and is suspicious of other people's intuition as well.

Leo often had trouble in primary and secondary school, especially secondary education where theory is more important. He got bored with classes in which he felt he'd gain no useful material which can be used to get things done. Though he may be brilliantly intelligent, school was always a difficult chore for him. Most of the time he'd get himself kicked out of class and yet despite how much of his classes he missed? He'd still get the work done AND pass his classes without much effort.

Leo needs to keep moving, and so does well in careers where he is not restricted or confined. Currently he actually works as a barman in one of the local clubs.

Leo does become bored and unhappy dealing with routine chores, though he knows they need to be done, that doesn't necessarily mean he has to do them straight away and so he'll try and think of a way to make it fun for himself. Such as air guitaring around the kitchen with a mop whilst cleaning the floor.

He seems to have a natural abundance of energy and enthusiasm. He gets very excited about things, and has the ability to motivate others to excitement and action. He's one of those people who can sell anyone on any idea. He's action-oriented, and makes decisions quickly. All-in-all, he has extraordinary talents for getting things started. Though he's not usually so good at following through, and might leave those tasks to others. Mastering the art of following through is something which he tries to pay attention too and it's something he's working on.

Quin. He's my blind kid. Pretty polite generally.

Quin's Personality
Quin is fairly relaxed, not much bothers him any more, though he has honed his other senses since he's blind he tends to be a very good listener and also a rather adept speaker.

Generally speaking Quin is noncompetitive and rather unadventurous now, after his incident in the labyrinth? He doesn't tend to venture off too much on his own. The furthest he'll go is three or four miles from his family. So in to town and back. However. If he truly needed to go adventuring to help those around him, he would in a heart beat but who needs a blind man?

He has level emotions and he's not bothered by disorder sadly though he's not very spontaneous and he dislikes the spotlight. It's rare for him to display any kind of anger and he dislikes doing so as it can actually be rather scary. If he's bullied, he backs down because it's easier than making fools out of them and he doesn't feel the need to show what he can do to them, he knows he's better than that.

He isn't really concerned with prestige/impressiveness and he's not detail oriented he's not manipulative and he's extremely patient you could throw things at him and even though it may hurt? He won't snap at you. The only time he'll do that is if you hurt his sister or another innocent by stander.

Generally speaking he's not very aggressive, not wild and crazy, not physically affectionate with most people and he shows no interest in leadership nor does he care about the social hierarchy. He's independent, not self absorbed and he's modest he doesn't give himself enough credit for the things he does well seeing them as something he should simply be able to do. Even when he's had a bad day he's still rather pleasant to be around because he's not guided by his moods, he's not easily frustrated, not prone to jealousy he's also very forgiving, his nature is something that his sister and his mother get on top of him about. They think he's far too calm and nice for his own good.

Quin is a person who is easy to satisfy and he doesn't judge people based on what others say. However he's not open about his own feelings and this means he tends to bottle them up. He's also a person who's always willing to try new things at least once this also stands true in regards to relationships.

Padmae, she's my second year fox girl.

Padmae's personality
Padmae seems to love people and new experiences. Generally speaking she's rather lively and fun, and enjoys being the center of attention. She tends to live in the here-and-now, and relish excitement and drama in her life.

She is definitely a spontaneous, optimistic individual. She absolutely loves to have fun. However she has not developed her Thinking side very much, she often tends to become over-indulgent, and places more importance on immediate sensation and gratification than on her duties and obligations (This includes homework and the like often meaning her assignments are late or she's late to classes).

Something else to note is that Mae seems to have a very well-developed appreciation for aesthetic beauty, and an excellent sense of space and function. If she has the means, she's likely to have to have many beautiful possessions, and an artfully furnished home. In general, she takes great pleasure in objects of aesthetic beauty. She also has a strong appreciation for the finer things in life, such as good food and good wine.

She usually likes to feel strongly bonded with other people, and have a connection with animals and small children that is not found in many. She does have a strong appreciation for the beauties of nature as well.

The only problem with Padmae is her anger, when she gets angry she tends to set things on fire out of pure rage including her own body. It's hereditary but the only way for her to calm down is by letting it out.

She's also ferociously protective of her friends and children. She'd happily fight to protect them.

Overall her bark is worse than her bite but she still isn't someone you want to make mad.

And lastly Callista, the first year who's a Queen.

Callista's personality
Callista is the kind of person who spends more time in group activities than solitary activities, she's not easily hurt, does not like to do things alone and tends to come alive in night life activities and crowds.

The only problem is that in this academy? She seems like a bully, a rude and obnoxious girl and selfish. She makes herself out to be a spoiled brat most of the time when really that isn't true at all. She does this however to try and push people away and to also make sure that they don't walk all over her.

Now underneath all that she's a positive person who does not like to go days without speaking to anyone and despite making herself seem like she is? She's not self absorbed she cares for her people, her country and the world. She's not materialistic the only thing that she actually has that is materialistic is her castle, all her clothes are the same as those that live in her country. She lives among them not higher than them.

She's self expressive, modest, not vain, likes change and is actually happiest when helping others. When you earn her trust and her friendship? She's loyal to a fault, wild and crazy, acts without thinking or planning and she's very thoughtful.

« Last Edit: Feb 17, 2013 22:44:14 GMT -5 by Uriel 'Leonaidas' Zathaniel » Back to Top  

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dsg: Herro... Is anyone here? Mar 26, 2013 22:38:21 GMT -5
Hikari Cross: hello! Apr 6, 2013 1:12:35 GMT -5
dsg: At least someone answered... But I am thinking that this site is a little slow in getting members. Apr 25, 2013 21:53:55 GMT -5
adminnumber2: try looking at Apr 26, 2013 11:45:33 GMT -5
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